The Code for Bracketology

// Add event listener for the Reverse button.
document.getElementById("btnSubmit").addEventListener("click", getValue);

// Get the input and select elements
const selectChoose = document.querySelector("#chooseStr");
const selectInput = document.querySelector("#inputStr");

// The select box choice will populate the input element.
selectChoose.addEventListener("change", () => {
    let inputStr = selectChoose.options[selectChoose.selectedIndex].text;
    selectInput.value = inputStr;

// This function is called by the button.
function getValue() {
    // Get the value of the input element.
    let userInput = selectInput.value;

    // Pass the userString to the isBalanced helper function.
    let result = isBalanced(userInput);

    // Pass the result to the displayResults helper function.
    displayResults(result, userInput); // Will be bool type; true or false.

function isBalanced(exp) {
// Array to hold the opening brackets for comparison.
let stack = [];

// If the string is empty, or has no brackets, prompt user to enter a string with brackets.
let regExp = /\(|\)|\[|\]|\{|\}/g;
if (exp.length == 0 || !exp.match(regExp)) {
    alert("Please enter a string with brackets.");

// Loop through the string.
for (let i = 0; i < exp.length; i++) {
  if (exp[i] == "(" || exp[i] == "{" || exp[i] == "[") {
    //Find the opening brackets and put the in the stack array.
  } else if (exp[i] == ")" || exp[i] == "}" || exp[i] == "]") {
    //When we come across a closing bracket, check if it matches the previous opening bracket.

    // First check if the opening brackets stack is empty.
    // If it is, the brackets are balanced and we are done.
    if (stack.length == 0) {
        return false;

    // Take out the most recent opening bracket stored in the stack array.
    let check = stack.pop();

    switch (exp[i]) {
      // If this index is this closing bracket,
      case ")":
        // And it doesn't match the correct opening bracket pulled from the stack array,
        if (check != "(") {
          //Then the brackets are not balanced.
          return false;

      case "}":
        if (check != "{") {
          return false;

      case "]":
        if (check != "[") {
          return false;
// Check to see if the stack array is empty
if (stack.length > 0) {
    //If it's not empty, the brackets are not balanced.
    return false;
return true;

function displayResults(result, userInput) {
  // Get the element that will display the results.
  let display = document.getElementById("results");

  // Remove all the characters from a string except the brackets for display.
  userInput = userInput.replace(/[^\(|^\)|^\[|^\]|^\{|^\}]/g, "");

  // Check for a truthy value and display the results accordingly.
  if (result) {
    display.innerHTML = `<span style="background-color:lightgray;"> ${userInput} </span>  These brackets are balanced.`
  } else {
     display.innerHTML = `<span style="background-color:lightgray;"> ${userInput} </span>  These brackets are not balanced.`
This code is structured in three functions.

The first thing done was to add an event listener to the button so the code will fire when the button is pressed. An event listener was also added to the drop down box to enter the string from the dropdown box into the input field.

The next getValue function gets the values from the input field, which is the text box that has the string to be tested. It also makes a few checks to see if the the string has brackets in it or is not empty. Finally it will call on a couple of "helper" functions explained below.

The first helper function is called isBalanced. This function will perform the logic to check if the brackets are balanced. If they are balanced it will return true, and false if they are not.

The second helper function is called displayResults. This will take the true or false result passed into it from the getValue function. The original entered test string is filtered to show only the brackets in that string. The result and the filtered string are displayed in the results area.

So once the getValue function gets the values from the test string and checks to make sure those inputs are valid, it calls the isBalanced function to generate the results of the test, then it calls the displayResults function to display the results of the test in the results section of the web page.

Please contact me if you have any questions and/or would like to discuss my skill set and qualifications.